Wednesday, August 18, 2004

So proud of Hank...

Hank was such a big boy yesterday for his CT scan (also their 7 mo. birthday!). He didn't cry or squirm or anything. We got the results this evening, and we're just not sure what to make of them yet. His ventricles are dilated, which usually isn't good, but Dr. Smith needs to see his old scans to compare. She said that they do look enlarged, but she's not sure if they are still in proportion to what they've always been or what. So, I've got to drive over to Jackson and get his old scans for the neurologist to look at. Please put Hank's head back on your prayer list until we can get some good news once they've had a chance to look over his records. Other than that, everything is great. They've tried squash and sweet potatoes now, and Hayden is still none too thrilled with the whole spoon idea. She still likes to just lick it rather than open up. Hank gobbles down whatever is put before him. Thanks for checking in, and I'll let you know as soon as we have more news on Hank.

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